
Marco LLiuya Reyes

Mountain Guide UIAGM – Certified

General Manager

Marco was born and raised in the foothills of the Andes. Growing up, he spent his summers hiking the valley and climbing the peaks around Huaraz. That's why he naturally decided to become a Certified Mountain Guide - with the Association of Mountain Guides of Peru (AGMP) and the International Union of Associations of Guides Montagne (UIAGM). He loves to share his passion for mountaineering and his region, with people from Peru and across the globe; and gets really excited to plan & go on a new adventure each time! Marco founded HIGHSUMMITPERU with his wife Edith. He also helped build, install and run the famous "Via Férrata and Sky Lodge" in the Sacred Valley, near of Cusco.


Edith Guillen Milla

Peruvian Trekking Guide – Qualified official tour guide

Sales Manager

Edith grew up very close to the mountains in Huaraz, and developed from an early age a love for nature, and outdoor adventures (rafting, rock climbing, zip lining, motorcycling, etc.). She graduated as a Professional Tour Guide in Huaraz, and founded HIGHSUMMITPERU with her husband Marco. Edith has years of experience, leading numerous hiking expeditions in the Cordillera Blanca (Huayhuash, Santa Cruz circuits, etc) but also in other parts of Peru (Inka trail, Machupicchu, Arequipa, Puno, Nazca, Luna Huana...)


Alicia Guillen Milla

Travel logistics and organization of Huaraz

Support Logistic

Alicia is a mum of 2 children, with years of experience in adventure tourism, specialized in organization & logistics. She has been trekking vastly in the Cordillera Blanca, rafting in Luna Huana and did the inka trail in Cusco.

Oliver Dorka

Oliver Dorka

Instructor at the German Alpine Club (DAV).

Business Partner

Oliver fell in love with the mountains from an early age, as he went on trips to the Alps with his uncle. He took his first climbing course at 15, and a couples of years ago, completed his apprenticeship with the German Alpine Club (DAV) to become a trainer/ mountain instructor. He is passionated about mountaineering, ice climbing, and skiing. Beside expeditions in Peru, he climbed numerous peaks in the Alps, such as Matterhorn, Lenzspitze North face, Aiguille Vertex, the Dolomites... He gives courses in the alpine club, especially in Rescue and Safety, and teach how to secure and move efficently on a ridge or snow/ice face.

Eugenio Mallofret Carrera

Eugenio Mallofret Carrera

Company partner

Eugenio Mallofret Carrera always felt a deep connection with nature and a great passion for mountaineering.

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